Plastic-Related Links
ARoutsis Associates - interactive training for the plastics industry  
Asia Package
ask4plastic - plastics exclusive business to business e-marketplace/bazaar/directory - a worldwide search engine of the chemical industry  
Discover Engineering Online - the basics - what an engineer does and how to become one
Eng-Tips Forum - peer-to-peer forum for engineering professionals 
European Tool and Mould Making magazine
Expanded polystyrene - Inudsty Alliance (EPS-IA)
ICIS- petrochemical market information provider
Kangan Batman Institute of Technical and Further Education - Tertiary Education organization, Melbourne, Australia
MatWeb - a free searchable materials database of polymers, composites, metals, ceramics, etc.
Medical Design Technology Magazine
Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry (MD+DI)
National Academy of Sciences/National Academy of Engineering - for beginning scientists and engineers
New Jersey Institute of Technology - public research university
Northwestern University - Masters Program in Product Development
Packexpo - packaging info on the web
Packaging World Interactive
PaintExpo - online trade show and information center
Plastics Machining & Fabricating Magazine - technical/management magazine for the secondary plastics processing industry 
Plastics Network - e-Volved Solutions for the Plastics Industry
PlasticsNews on the Web
Plastics Technology Online - the magazine of plastics manufacturing
Plastics Technology - website for the plastics industry
Plastics Today -
PolySort - the plastics and rubber industries' home base on the Internet 
Rapra Technology Ltd. - a rubber and plastics information resource
Recycler's World - the Scientists' Choice
Stevens Institute of Technology
Thomas Regional - your marketplace for regional buying
Trends in Plastics
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Plastics Courses (Center for Continuing Engineering Education)
World Wide Composites Search Engine - Newsletter - largest search engine for composite materials